52 Weeks of Me
52 Weeks of Me is a Podcast series dedicated to helping others find their best self in as little as 52 weeks through a collection of open discussions with professional experts as well as individuals sharing their own success stories as they strive for work-life balance and the journey towards realizing one's full potential from within.
52 Weeks of Me
Episode 95: Living with Herpes with Alexandra Harbushka
Andrea Haburshka was in control of her life until she was 28 when she had her annual pap smear and was diagnosed with genital herpes. Being in a committed monogamous relationship, she thought she never had to deal with any sexually transmitted diseases. That made her feel so alone, betrayed, and suffocated. The stigma of herpes, the preconceived notions about the promiscuity of people especially females that contract herpes, suddenly became her.
- From being in control of her own life, she lost her self-worth and had to settle.
- Nearing her 30's, she realized the real problem was her lack of self-worth.
- Symbolic to lavish herself with love, she sprinkled her food with pink Himalayan salt.
- Encouraged by her closest friend and her husband, she started advocating to inspire people who have been through life-changing situations.
- On a mission, she started a movement called Living Life with Herpes.
If you are someone experiencing a life-changing circumstance or disease, and you need a support community, you may need help from Alexandra. Or perhaps you need a practical and realistic education on sex and STDs specifically herpes, look her up on outbreak.com, and Living with Herpes on Instagram and Youtube among others. She has also developed skin care products to address the symptoms of this lifetime disease. You may also learn from her podcast Real World Women talking about sex, money, and food.
52 Weeks of Me is hosted by Jacklyn Osborne and Erika Brooks.
Check out our website - www.52weeksofme.net or follow us on Instagram @fiftytwoweeksofme.
For suggestions and comments, email us at fiftytwoweeksofme@gmail.com.